Family Limitation
By Margaret Sanger 15 Nov, 2018
Family Limitation is a pamphlet written by American family planning activist, eugenicist, educator, writer, and nurse Margaret Sanger that was published in 1914. It was one of the first guides to birth control published in the United States. The 16-p ... Read more
Family Limitation is a pamphlet written by American family planning activist, eugenicist, educator, writer, and nurse Margaret Sanger that was published in 1914. It was one of the first guides to birth control published in the United States. The 16-page pamphlet details information on, and ingredients for, various contraceptive methods and included illustrations and instructions for use. After the pamphlet was released, Sanger was forced to flee the United States to Britain to avoid prosecution under federal anti-obscenity laws, the Comstock Act, which prohibited disseminating information about contraception. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 260.959 KB
  • 26
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781986985789
Margaret Higgins Sanger Slee was an American birth control activist and the founder of the American Birth Control League (which eventually became Planned Parenthood). Although she initially met with o...
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