Agricultural Library Management In Digital Era
Agricultural Library Management In Digital Era
The book Agricultural Library Management in Digital Era deals with scholarly contents of LIS professionals. Chapters are related to information needs, agricultural knowledge management in NARS, agricultural research information in global digital era,...
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The book Agricultural Library Management in Digital Era deals with scholarly contents of LIS professionals. Chapters are related to information needs, agricultural knowledge management in NARS, agricultural research information in global digital era, ICAR open access policy, Agricultural Libraries and user needs, behaviour of agricultural scientists, farmers information seeking and gathering behaviour, information literacy, web based e-contents, emerging technology, bibliometrics, agricultural research prioritization study, knowledge sharing, digitization, use of information technology in libraries, digital repository Krishiprabha, Krishikosh, Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA), Impact of CeRA in enhancement of library services, uses of database, use of technology in future library, agri-portal, managing agricultural knowledge, library automation, sources of information related to agricultural, horticultural dairy, etc., paradox of authorship, web 2.0 and 3.0,, data security, mobile applications, security devices, social networking, best practices, success story, Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and copy-right in Indian agriculture, etc. covered in this book.