Energize Your Workplace
by Jane E. Dutton 2020-04-16 14:26:29
Corrosive work relationships are like black holes that swallow upenergy that people need to do their jobs. In contrast, high-qualityrelationships generate and sustain energy, equipping people to dowork and do it well. Grounded in solid research, this... Read more
Corrosive work relationships are like black holes that swallow upenergy that people need to do their jobs. In contrast, high-qualityrelationships generate and sustain energy, equipping people to dowork and do it well. Grounded in solid research, this book uses energy as ameasurement to describe the power of positive and negativeconnections in people's experience at work. Author Jane Duttonprovides three pathways for turning negative connections intopositive ones that create and sustain employee resilience andflexibility, facilitate the speed and quality of learning, andbuild individual commitment and cooperation. Through compelling and illustrative stories, Energize YourWorkplace offers managers, executives, and human resourceprofessionals the resources they need to build high-qualityconnections in the workplace. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9.39 X 6.3 X 0.89 in
  • 224
  • Wiley
  • October 27, 2003
  • eng
  • 9780787971991
Jane E. Dutton is the William Russell Kelly Professor ofBusiness Administration at The University of Michigan. She is theauthor of three books and numerous articles in the area ofrelational work in or...
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