Information Literacy Instruction That Works, Second Edition
by Patrick Ragains
2020-07-23 10:10:12
Information Literacy Instruction That Works, Second Edition
by Patrick Ragains
2020-07-23 10:10:12
Information literacy and library instruction are at the heart of the academic library's mission. But how do you bring that instruction to an increasingly diverse student body and an increasingly varied spectrum of majors? In this updated, expanded ne...
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Information literacy and library instruction are at the heart of the academic library's mission. But how do you bring that instruction to an increasingly diverse student body and an increasingly varied spectrum of majors? In this updated, expanded new second edition, featuring more than 75% new content, Ragains and 16 other library instructors share their best practices for reaching out to today's unique users. Readers will find strategies and techniques for teaching college and university freshmen, community college students, students with disabilities, and those in distance learning programs. Alongside sample lesson plans, presentations, brochures, worksheets, handouts, and evaluation forms, Ragains and his contributors offer proven approaches to teaching students in the most popular programs of study, including: English Literature, Art and Art History, Film Studies, History, Psychology, Science, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Hospitality, Business, Music, Anthropology, and Engineering. Coverage of additional special topic, including legal information for non-law students, government information, and patent searching, make this a complete guide to information literacy instruction.