Writing in a Technological Worldexplores how to think rhetorically, act multimodally, and be sensitive to diverse audiences while writing in technological contexts such as social media, websites, podcasts and mobile technologies.
Claire Lutkewitte includes a wealth of assignments, activities, and discussion questions to apply theory to practice in the development of writing skills. Featuring real-world examples from professionals who write using a wide range of technologies, each chapter provides practical suggestions for writing for a variety of purposes and a variety of audiences. By looking at technologies of the past to discover how meanings have evolved over time and applying the present technology to current working contexts, readers will be prepared to meet the writing and technological challenges of the future.
This is the ideal text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in composition, writing with technologies, and professional/business writing.
A supplementary guide for instructors is available at www.routledge.com/9781138580985