A Christian Attitude Toward Attitudes
by Everett Leadingham
2020-06-17 22:14:18
A Christian Attitude Toward Attitudes
by Everett Leadingham
2020-06-17 22:14:18
The Dialog Series is made up of Bible-based, liferelated studies for small groups, Sunday School classes, and personal discoveries. Each text consists of 13 chapters written by a variety of well-qualified and thought-provoking Christian thinkers. The...
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The Dialog Series is made up of Bible-based, liferelated studies for small groups, Sunday School classes, and personal discoveries. Each text consists of 13 chapters written by a variety of well-qualified and thought-provoking Christian thinkers. The focus is on interaction and, of course, dialogue.
What is an attitude? Is a Christian attitude something different? Can a Christian have a bad attitude? A subject that touches every Christian every day.