by Bruno Etan 2020-05-30 04:19:36
Presentation: As faith would have it, the author, Etan Bruno was born in a (Roman) Catholic family whose mother, Tsakoué Anastasie, became the prophetess of a certain Jesus in 1989. He firmly believed in that Jesus until the moment when he... Read more
Presentation: As faith would have it, the author, Etan Bruno was born in a (Roman) Catholic family whose mother, Tsakoué Anastasie, became the prophetess of a certain Jesus in 1989. He firmly believed in that Jesus until the moment when he received a special grace from God to expose him. Why was she not saved when she put her fate in the hands of the Jesus worshipped in her church? It took him about 20 years of research to be able to answer this question and he encourages you to discover it in a series of three books entitled Serving a false Jesus. Volume 3 of this series is an extensive research on the activities of Antichrists. They are real wolves in God's vineyard. They are the agents of the deceit which the real Jesus presented as the main sign of his return: ... and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered: Take heed that no man deceive you... (Matthew 24: 3-5). What is therefore the form of deceit in your church? The quest for the truth pushed the author to conclude that most Christian churches are under the influence of spirits of deceit because they partly believe in God's Word. That is why in this third volume, he denounces the power of delusion which is at work in Christian churches and in the world in these end times. Through a series of teachings and examples, this volume provides Christians with spiritual tools for spiritual discernment. These fallen angels have already manifested in the life of several false prophets to establish pseudo-Christian religions and churches, and even through some apparitions, they claimed to be Jesus, Mary, Angel Gabriel, the Archangel Micheal, etc. About the Author The author was born in 1962 in Dschang, West Cameroon. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics, an engineering degree in design for food processing industries and a diploma in pastoral theology. The Lord Jesus made him teacher of God's Word in 1999. Serving a False Jesus series which is made up of three books constitutes his first publications. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 5.50(w)x8.50(h)x1.05
  • 470
  • Independently published
  • February 10, 2020
  • 9798612157809
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