Inheriting Abraham
by Jon D. Levenson 2020-08-24 16:13:33
How Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have reimagined Abraham in their own imagesJews, Christians, and Muslims supposedly share a common religious heritage in the patriarch Abraham, and the idea that he should serve only as a source of unity among the... Read more

How Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have reimagined Abraham in their own images

Jews, Christians, and Muslims supposedly share a common religious heritage in the patriarch Abraham, and the idea that he should serve only as a source of unity among the three traditions has become widespread in both scholarly and popular circles. But in Inheriting Abraham, Jon Levenson reveals how the increasingly conventional notion of the three equally "Abrahamic" religions derives from a dangerous misunderstanding of key biblical and Qur''anic texts, fails to do full justice to any of the traditions, and is often biased against Judaism in subtle and pernicious ways.

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9.25 X 6 X 0 in
  • 264
  • Princeton University Press
  • September 30, 2012
  • eng
  • 9781400844616
Jon D. Levenson is the Albert A. List Professor of Jewish Studies at Harvard University. His many books include Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life, whi...
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