Psychic Sight: Learn to see auras with the naked eye through secrets hidden from humankind
by Johnny Five 2020-05-26 04:40:37
It is a common misconception that only a select few are born with the ability to see auras. I wrote this book to debunk that myth and teach you step by step how to perform the inner cleansing required to give you psychic sight or ability to see what ... Read more
It is a common misconception that only a select few are born with the ability to see auras. I wrote this book to debunk that myth and teach you step by step how to perform the inner cleansing required to give you psychic sight or ability to see what is invisible to the human eye naturally. This book will not only teach you how to develop psychic sight, but it will also act as a beginners guide to spirituality in awakening yourself and the dormant side of your brain. In this book you will find not only the knowledge but also the wisdom of my experience growing up in my personal life to understand how I obtained the sight and how it grew over the years. You will also find references from the Bible and ancient times for credibility. I also give you the knowledge of ancient techniques you can utilize in your everyday life to help you obtain more abundance in your life and understand hidden secrets of our past.As a thank you for purchasing my first book, I have included a bonus chapter on numerology which will provide a basic understanding of numerology and how to calculate your life path to figure out one of the many puzzle pieces of your purpose for this life time with 100% accuracy. Less
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  • Print pages
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  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.16
  • 68
  • Independently published
  • March 25, 2020
  • 9798630714237
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