The End of Time â The Final Conflict
2020-07-02 15:47:10
The Book of Revelation describes coming events. St John, the writer, sees an open door and is invited to come up to learn what must take place in the future. Some of these prophetic events are already in motion and slowly building up for Armageddon. ... Read more
The Book of Revelation describes coming events. St John, the writer, sees an open door and is invited to come up to learn what must take place in the future. Some of these prophetic events are already in motion and slowly building up for Armageddon. These prophecies are dire warnings to all the inhabitants of Earth. St John is giving us a vivid and frightening picture of earth-shattering events, leading up to the end of time. The world's clock is ticking away. Time is running out fast.Having turned its back on God and on His Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, humankind is responsible for its own destruction. It is bringing God's retribution. Jesus summed up the state of humans when He said: "Out of man's heart come evil thoughts, immorality, theft, murder, adultery, unbridled greed, malice, fraud, indecency, envy, slander, arrogance and foolishness." (Matt. 15:19). No one can deny that what lies hidden in the heart of humans is observable, not only to God, but also to the rest of humankind. God's patience is running out (Gen: 6:3). His judgement is inevitable. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781528969338
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