The Controversial Life of Pius XII, the Wartime Pope
by Brad Kronen
2020-05-30 04:48:42
The Controversial Life of Pius XII, the Wartime Pope
by Brad Kronen
2020-05-30 04:48:42
2020 is a noteworthy year in the headquarters of the Catholic faith, better known as The Vatican. In March of 2020 the remainder of the secret archives will be made open regarding the pontificate of one of Catholicism's most controversial leaders - P...
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2020 is a noteworthy year in the headquarters of the Catholic faith, better known as The Vatican. In March of 2020 the remainder of the secret archives will be made open regarding the pontificate of one of Catholicism's most controversial leaders - Pope Pius XII. Overseeing the Catholic Church from 1939, just as the Second World War was about to begin until his death in 1958, the man born as Eugenio Pacelli is disputed over mainly for what he did not do during his time as Pope versus any of his active deeds as the Vatican's "Pontiff" or supreme leader. Brad Kronen's latest book "The Controversial Life of Pius XII, the Wartime Pope" explores the life of the man who lies at the very center of the "Pius wars" where some consider him to be one of Catholicism's greatest leaders and others have dubbed him "Hitler's Pope".