Walking with God Clarence
by W. Fell
2020-05-26 16:15:29
Walking with God Clarence
by W. Fell
2020-05-26 16:15:29
Excerpts from the book...... Paul agrees with Jesus; walking with God means doing the will of God. If a person does whatever he pleases, sowing to the flesh, that person reaps corruption. Reaping everlasting life requires sowing to the Spirit or livi...
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Excerpts from the book...... Paul agrees with Jesus; walking with God means doing the will of God. If a person does whatever he pleases, sowing to the flesh, that person reaps corruption. Reaping everlasting life requires sowing to the Spirit or living in agreement with God. Therefore, after reconciliation a person must focus on the will of the Father. That is what reconciliation is all about. Before reconciliation, a person did as he pleased, listened to who he pleased, that is why he was out of step with God. After reconciliation, a person does as God instructs. ... Think about a mother and her child reconciling. After the child reconciles with his mother, we expect him to listen to her. He must be obedient. It does no good for him to say, Mother, mother, as though he is honoring her while not listening to her. A wise youngster listens, submits, and does what he is told. ...False teachers are not pointing to God's will; they are teaching destructive heresies. We are not free to listen to anyone we choose. God is our authority. If we want to walk with Him, we must listen to Him. That may not be a popular idea. That may be an uncomfortable idea for some people, but it is Bible teaching. Christian are not free to do or believe anything they choose....False teachers use a cloak of friendliness to deceive people. As a result, some people unwittingly follow false teachers because the false teacher is likeable. Sadly, some people do not have enough biblical foundation to recognize error when they see it. Self-protection is a primary reason to personally know the Bible. Jesus warned that ignorance is not an excuse....Would you rather have a doctor that is extremely likable and makes you feel as though you are his best friends, but he is only a mediocre physician; or a doctor that is not all that likeable but a great physician? Would you rather have an auto mechanic that is extremely likeable, takes you out to eat, and adores your pets, but is only so-so under the hood; or a mechanic that has no warm fuzzies, but is highly dependable and won't leave you stranded on the side of the road? Would you rather have a coach that really makes you feel good, tells you how great you are, never criticizes, but rarely leads you to victory; or a coach that is gruff, focused on the training, but really knows the game and you have the trophies to prove it? ... People have a serious choice to make; do they really want to walk with God or walk their own way. There are people that teach anything they are paid to teach. There is always an authority figure out there somewhere that will tell you exactly what you want to hear. Just shop around; Google it.