Wicca : The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learning Spells & Witchcraft
by Sarah Thompson
2020-05-14 11:06:56
Wicca : The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learning Spells & Witchcraft
by Sarah Thompson
2020-05-14 11:06:56
Find Your Power! Your Guide to Becoming an Ultimate Wiccan! Wicca is a Pagan witchcraft not known to many. This religious witchcraft isn't just a system of magic but focusing on worshiping the religious Gods and Goddesses worshiping the Devine in nat...
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Find Your Power! Your Guide to Becoming an Ultimate Wiccan! Wicca is a Pagan witchcraft not known to many. This religious witchcraft isn't just a system of magic but focusing on worshiping the religious Gods and Goddesses worshiping the Devine in nature. For some, Wicca is believed to promote a balanced, harmonious and peaceful way of life. So if you are interested to learn more about this belief system, you came to the right place! Wicca: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learning Spells & Witchcraft is every novice's book to have a better understanding of this unique craft! This Book Reveals The Following Information:•History•Demographics•Acceptance•Beliefs•Traditions•Practices•Basic Principles and LawsWhen you buy Wicca: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learning Spells & Witchcraft, you will learn how to feel your own power an create the result that you wish the Universe can give back to you just by simply using your thoughts, words, and actions. The best part of getting yourself familiar with Wiccan spells is that you learn that it is more about asking the divine for help with some specific aspect of your life. This book will help you be in a position of confidence to use these spells.Wicca can actually be molded according to your preference, so for whatever this might serve you; this book will help you get to where you want to be! Practicing Wicca can also contribute to healing and growth while teaching you how to respect nature, yourself, as well as other people! Most importantly, being a Wiccan is far from hurting others, or causing revenge, rather it is more inclined in getting people and the surroundings in order, not separating them.So if you want to know more, just simply scroll your way to the top and grab your own copy! BUY today and learn the Wiccan spells.You won't regret it!