You Only Have to Die
by James A. Harnish
2020-05-12 19:57:29
A moving testimony to how a church can experience rebirth by discerning it core mission. The key to becoming a Spirit-energized, people-loving, life-giving, community-transforming congregation, says James A. Harnish, is really very simple. All you ha...
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A moving testimony to how a church can experience rebirth by discerning it core mission. The key to becoming a Spirit-energized, people-loving, life-giving, community-transforming congregation, says James A. Harnish, is really very simple. All you have to do is be willing to die. This ebook describes how God calls each congregation to a specific mission, how God grants discernment to understand what that mission is, and how God enables the congregation to die to its entrenched attitudes and behaviors in order to be resurrected to a new life of ministry and witness.