Your Body Knows the Answer
by David I. Rome 2020-05-12 09:14:42
A manual for Mindful Focusing, a new integration of Eastern and Western techniques for accessing your inherent wisdom.Ever come up against one of those moments when life requires a response—and you feel clueless? We all have. But there’s ... Read more
A manual for Mindful Focusing, a new integration of Eastern and Western techniques for accessing your inherent wisdom.Ever come up against one of those moments when life requires a response—and you feel clueless? We all have. But there’s good news: you have all the wisdom you need to respond to any situation, even the "impossible" ones. It’s a matter of tuning in to your felt sense: that subtle physical sensation that lives somewhere between your conscious and subconscious mind and that can be accessed through Focusing, the well-known method developed by the psychologist Eugene Gendlin. David Rome’s technique of Mindful Focusing unites Gendlin’s method with Buddhist mindfulness practices to provide a wonderfully effective method for accessing your inherent answer to any question—and for responding honestly and creatively to the world around you. Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • Shambhala
  • October 7, 2014
  • eng
  • 9780834829978
DAVID I. ROME is a certified Focusing Trainer who has brought Focusing together with Buddhist mindfulness-awareness practices in workshops in the United States, Canada, and Europe. He began practicing...
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