Bombarded by voices of fear and failure, how do you move past them to become all God designed for you? Our thoughts, and those of our parents, cloud our thinking. They feed us positive and negative images based on past hurts, telling us we’re not good enough. Unfortunately, our children can inherit those voices and adopt them.
Do you feel controlled by fear and circumstance? You are not alone. As an award-winning journalist, Romona Robinson heard thousands of women share feelings of entrapment. Waiting to hear from God about their career, finances, their children, relationships or health, they grow weary, searching for answers. Why hasn’t God come to their rescue?
Controlled by pain, Romona almost missed God’s purpose. In Your Voice is Your Power, she shares agonizing and triumphant stories of women and painful personal lessons about living in fear and listening to negative influences. Those voices threatened to take her down and out, until she learned to take back her life. “Now that God is in charge, I am finally living the abundant life He promised—and so can you.”