Through The Bedroom Window entertains and educates. It takes the reader into the minds and hearts of four closely-knit schoolmates Gerard, a management executive, Wendy (Gerards fiance), a model, both of them Christians, Barry, a bisexual bodybuilder, and Zo, a sexually confused entrepreneur. They communicate regularly, reflecting on their past experiences in great detail. The story unfolds the characters pain and looks at the possibilities of an eventual ease by transforming and renewing their minds of the constant battle to overcome these challenges. Understanding Life as a mystery can solve any problem we face. As such, the Creator-God of mysteries makes all things possible. We have experienced lust one way or the other, whether through our eyes (voyeurism), the use of our hands (masturbation), the bonding of our bodies (sex or love-making) or by the creative juices of our minds (fantasizing). Either of these, however, shouldnt be our final experience of the many opportunities to find true joy. Through the Bedroom Window, highlights these lusts and takes the reader through ever second of these four schoolmates sexual experiences. It touches the humanness of our very being, mixed with passion and physical love. You must agree that there have been much talks, documentation and research about sex, its dos and donts but what have been sorely lacking is proper guidelines for the masses to follow. Im afraid the Christian fraternity has failed miserably in its attempts to effectively change the attitudes of many. Instead, we face the impatience and intolerable attitudes of the ones in authority with respect to parables that are written for them to explain and counsel. What is done instead is regurgitating the Holy Word; loud irregular bursts of irritating statements of rhetoric without any form or source of applicability. Through the Bedroom Window, attempts to include, as the story unfolds, a clear indication that God-fearing folks are simple, every-day people wanting to serve God but have basic human challenges and are susceptible to make mistakes. They are willing to discuss it, in an attempt to eradicate it from their innermost feelings, which continues to plague their very being. Gerard, like every other average man ever lived, has a very sexually active past and wants to be in a stable relationship with Wendy but he has weaknesses that he must overcome. He and Wendy strive for the Christocentric lifestyle but are both struggling with understanding and dealing with each other. They both discuss their past encounters with their other close friends, Barry and Zo. Wendy is the typical bourgeois, up-scale young lady who feels threatened by anyone perceived as wanting to invade her space. She is presumed to be hiding behind her chosen Christocentric lifestyle. Barry is a typical overly sexed man, who is always sex-driven and sees no difference in having sex with a man or woman. He feels liberated enough to have best of both worlds and makes no bones about it. He is open to his friends about his sexual urges and he to expresses his past encounters in a very graphic nature. Barrys expressions are so graphic that Wendy is moved to being very irritated during his discourse. He is very health and body conscious, working out regularly in the gym, which at times are his past time on unadventurous days. Zo, like Barry, is very health and body conscious but is also very Afrocentric. She feels that descendants from Africa should be very conscious of their roots, saying that all African-Americans, Afro-Caribbean people and any other black people from where ever should acknowledge and honor their motherland, that is, the entire continent of Africa. Zo, however, unlike Barry, is confused about her sexuality and prefers not to discuss too much of her inner feelings. She is an entrepreneur and her business is doing well with the aid of her siblings who she is very clo