The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin
By Francis Harper 26 Nov, 2018
No other large North American land mammal is of such primary importance as the Barren Ground Caribou (Rangifer arcticus arcticus) as a source of food and clothing for so many primitive Eskimo and Indian tribes; no other performs such extensive and sp ... Read more
No other large North American land mammal is of such primary importance as the Barren Ground Caribou (Rangifer arcticus arcticus) as a source of food and clothing for so many primitive Eskimo and Indian tribes; no other performs such extensive and spectacular migrations; no other may be seen in such vast herds; no other exhibits so close an approach to a Garden-of-Eden trustfulness in the presence of man. And perhaps no other is more worthy of being cherished and safeguarded in its natural haunts for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 1395.679 KB
  • 84
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1500118037
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