Ábrete a lo inesperado (Outrageous Openness Spanish Edition): Deja que lo divino te guíe
by Tosha Silver 2020-05-15 06:30:41
Now available in Spanish. A collection of spiritual lessons, anecdotes, and thoughts on the Divine's intervention in our lives, Outrageous Openness teaches how to live purposefully and in line with what the Divine already has in store for each of us.... Read more
Now available in Spanish. A collection of spiritual lessons, anecdotes, and thoughts on the Divine's intervention in our lives, Outrageous Openness teaches how to live purposefully and in line with what the Divine already has in store for each of us.We all have at our fingertips the touch of the Divine in our lives. Learning to trust in this Divine guidance brings peace as well as faith that everything happens for a reason. After twenty-five years spent giving nearly 30,000 consultations to people from all over the world, Tosha Silver realized that everyone had similar concerns: “How do I stop worrying? How can I know that things will work out? How can I feel safe?” and often, “Why do I feel so alone?” or “Who am I really?” Even individuals with years of spiritual practice often felt besieged by confusion, fear, or worry. Despite meditating, chanting, or practicing yoga, they didn’t always have the practical tools for aligning with the Divine every day. Outrageous Openness provides just that: techniques to create a relaxed, trusting openness to answers as they spontaneously arise. Being open to the Divine's intervention has the power to change our lives, and Outrageous Openness teaches us how to trust in the Divine, a Force of Love that can help guide each of us in the most intimate and practical ways—if only we knew how to invite it in.At its heart, Outrageous Openness—a simple, delightful book of anecdotes, observations and fresh perspectives—opens the door to a profound truth. By allowing the Divine to lead the way, we can finally put down the heavy load of fervent hopes and fears and opinions about how things are supposed to be, just let them be, and delight in the spectacular show that is our life. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 5.50(w)x8.10(h)x0.70
  • 240
  • Atria Books
  • July 12, 2016
  • eng
  • 9781501120220
Tosha Silver grew up thinking one day she would be a rabbi, a lawyer, or a weathergirl. But fate had other ideas. She graduated from Yale with a degree in English Literature but along the way fell mad...
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