The Yacht Club; Or, The Young Boat-Builder
By Oliver Optic 22 Aug, 2019
The Yacht Club" is the second volume of the Yacht Club Series, to which it gives a name; and like its predecessor, is an independent story. The hero has not before appeared, though some of the characters of "Little Bobtail" take part in the incident ... Read more
The Yacht Club" is the second volume of the Yacht Club Series, to which it gives a name; and like its predecessor, is an independent story. The hero has not before appeared, though some of the characters of "Little Bobtail" take part in the incidents: but each volume may be read understandingly without any knowledge of the contents of the other. In this story, the interest centres in Don John, the Boat-builder, who is certainly a very enterprising young man, though his achievements have been more than paralleled in the domain of actual life. Like the first volume of the series, the incidents of the story transpire on the waters of the beautiful Penobscot Bay, and on its shores. They include several yacht races, which must be more interesting to those who are engaged in the exciting sport of yachting, than to others. But the principal incidents are distinct from the aquatic narrative, and those who are not interested in boats and boating will find that Don John and Nellie Patterdale do not spend all their time on the water. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 1711.324 KB
  • 158
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2010-08-09
  • English
  • 978-1508753605
William Taylor Adams (July 30, 1822 – March 27, 1897), pseudonym Oliver Optic, was a noted academic, author, and a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Adams was born in Medway, Mas...
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