Authors | August Strindberg
August Strindberg
Johan August Strindberg (22 January 1849 – 14 May 1912) was a Swedish playwright, novelist, poet, essayist, and painter. A prolific writer who often drew directly on his personal experience, Strindberg's career spanned four decades, during which ti ... Read more

Books by August Strindberg

Svenska Folket: I Helg Och Söcken, I Krig Och Fred, Hemma Och Ute, Eller, Ett Tusen År Av Svenska Bildningens Och S: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
L'Olandese August Strindberg Author: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
A Vörös szobában August Strindberg Author: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
THE RED ROOM August Strindberg Author: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
The Defence of a Madman August Strindberg Author: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
The Father August Strindberg Author: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Ein Drittes Blaubuch: Nebst Dem Nachgelassenen Blaubuch, Siebenter Band: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Om det Allmänna Missnöjet, Dess Orsaker och Botemedel: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Samlade Skrifter, Volumes 47-48...: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
The Confession of a Fool: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Herr Bengts Hustru: Skådespel I Fem Akter: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Samlade Skrifter, Volume 7: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Samlade Skrifter, Volume 18: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Countess Julia (fröken Julie): A Naturalistic Tragedy...: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Schwedische Schicksale Und Abenteuer: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Fröken Julie: Ett Naturalistiskt Sorgespel...: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Kleine Historische Romane: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Plays - Scholar's Choice Edition: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Easter (a Play in Three Acts), and Stories;: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Die Gotischen Zimmer: Familienschicksale vom Jahrhundertende: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Die Entwicklung einer Seele: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
The Red Room: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
The Roofing Ceremony and The Silver Lake: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Samlade Dramatiska Arbeten, Volume 1, Part 2...: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Samlade Otryckta Skrifter, Volume 1: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Erich Xiv. Schauspiel in Vier Akten: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
The Son Of A Servant...: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Das Inselmeer: Drei Novellenkreise...: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Married - Scholar's Choice Edition: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg
Mon Jardin & Autres Hist Nat: by August Strindberg
by August Strindberg