Federal Accounting Handbook 2e
by Cornelius E. Tierney
2020-07-23 01:43:32
Federal Accounting Handbook 2e
by Cornelius E. Tierney
2020-07-23 01:43:32
Now in a second edition, Federal Accounting Handbook is the handbook that every financial federal employee can use, covering all of the recent revisions including new FASAB standards and how Congress wants the intent and objectives of the Sarbanes-Ox...
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Now in a second edition, Federal Accounting Handbook is the handbook that every financial federal employee can use, covering all of the recent revisions including new FASAB standards and how Congress wants the intent and objectives of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to be implemented by federal departments and agencies. Written for both the professional and the non-professional, this handbook equips you with the what, why, when, and how of federal financial management,