Authors | Humphry Davy
Humphry Davy
Sir Humphry Davy, 1st Baronet PRS MRIA FGS FRS (17 December 1778 – 29 May 1829) was a Cornish chemist and inventor,[1] who is best remembered today for isolating, using electricity, a series of elements for the first time: potassium and sodium in 1 ... Read more

Books by Humphry Davy

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry: By Humphry Davy
By Humphry Davy
The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy: Elements of Chemical Philosophy: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Conversations On Chemistry: In Which The Elements Of That Science Are Familiarly Explained And Illustrated By Experiments And P: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
On the Safety Lamp for Coal Miners: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Salmonia: Or, Days of Fly Fishing: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Elemente Des Chemischen Theiles Der Naturwissenschaft, Volume 1, Issue 1...: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Éléments De Philosophie Chimique, Volume 1...: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
The Decomposition Of The Fixed Alkalies And Alkaline Earths: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
The Elementary Nature of Chlorine: Papers: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
L'art De Pr?parer Les Terres Et D'appliquer Les Engrais, Ou Chimie Appliqu?e ? L'agriculture: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Fragmentary Remains Literary and Scientific of Sir Humphry Davy - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Conversations On Chemistry...: To Which Are Added, Some Late Discoveries On...Fixed Alkalies: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Researches, Chemical and Philosophical; Chiefly Concerning Nitrous Oxide: Or Dephlogisticated Nitrous Air, and Its Respiration: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Fragmentary Remains, Literary and Scientific, of Sir Humphry, Davy, Bart., Late President of the Royal Society, Etc: With a Sketch: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Elements Of Agricultural Chemistry: In A Course Of Lectures For The Board Of Agriculture: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
The Collected Works Or Sir Humphry Davy ...: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Nouveau Manuel De Chimie Agricole...: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Consolations in Travel: Or the Last Days of a Philosopher: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
On The Fire-damp Of Coal Mines: From The Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society. With An Advertisement : Containing An Ac: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Élémens De Chimie Apliquée A L'agriculture Suivis D'un Traité Sur La Chimie Des Terres: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures On Chemistry [...]: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Chemische Und Physiologische Untersuchungen _ber Das Oxydirte Stickgas Und Das Athmen Desselben: Aus Dem Englischen _bersetzt. Hum: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Eléments De Chimie Agricole En Un Cours De Leçons......: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Les Derniers Jours d'un Philosophe: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Sir Humphrz Davy's tröstende Betrachtungen auf Reisen; oder die Letzten Tage eines Naturforschers. Nach der dritten Ausgabe verdeu: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy ...: Bakerian Lectures and Miscellaneous Papers From 1806 to 1815: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy ...: Discourses Delivered Before the Royal Society. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, Pt: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Elements Of Agricultural Chemistry In A Course Of Lectures (1844): by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Elements Of Agricultural Chemistri: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy
Sir Humphrÿ Davÿ's Tröstende Betrachtungen Auf Reisen: Oder, Die Letzten Tage Eines Naturforschers...: by Humphry Davy
by Humphry Davy