Gringo Rebel
by Ivor Thord-Gray 2020-04-20 07:41:16
Gringo Rebel, first published in 1960, is the account of Swedish-born adventurer Ivor Thord-Gray of his time in 1913-1914 in revolutionary Mexico. Thord-Gray first served as an artillery officer in Francisco 'Pancho' Villa’s forces, and later serve... Read more
Gringo Rebel, first published in 1960, is the account of Swedish-born adventurer Ivor Thord-Gray of his time in 1913-1914 in revolutionary Mexico. Thord-Gray first served as an artillery officer in Francisco 'Pancho' Villa’s forces, and later served as a cavalry officer in Carranza’s army under Obregón. He formed close bonds with his Yaqui and Tarahumara scouts, and later prepared a Tarahumara-English Dictionary, and other books about Mexican archaeology. Gringo Rebel offers a first-hand look at the poorly understood conflict in Mexico between the wealthy ruling class and the large majority of land-less peasants living in slave-like conditions, as well as insights into rebel leaders such as Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata (leader of the 'Zapatistas'). Seventeen pages of illustrations are included in this new edition. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • November 22, 2019
  • eng
  • 9781839740565
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