This traditional nursery rhyme and childrens song dates back to at least the late 1890s. It has been translated into many languages including Italian (Nella vecchia fattoria), German (Old MacDonald hat ne Farm), Spanish (En la granja de Pepito or En la vieja factoria), French (La Ferme a Mathurin), Danish (Jens Hansen havde en bondegaard) and Portuguese (Na quinta do tio Manel). The song has been featured numerous place in film and on TV like for instance Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Criminal Minds, How I Met Your Mother, The Simpsons, Boardwalk Empire, The Usual Suspects, Cheers, Anchorman 2, Dirty Harry and Tiny Toon Adventures. This can be used as lead sheet as it includes chords for easy accompaniment Duet Sheet Music for Violin accompanied by Cello arranged by Lars Christian Lundholm. Old MacDonald Had a Farm is also known by alternative title: Old Missouri Had a Mule, The Farmyard, The Merry Green Fields and Old Macdougal Had a Farm, Piipp....