Authors | Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis (born October 15, 1960) is an American financial journalist and author of many New York Times bestselling books on various subjects. His most recent work is The Premonition: A Pandemic Story (2021). He has also been a contributing edito ... Read more

Books by Michael Lewis

Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
100 Best Beatles Songs: A Passionate Fan's Guide: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
A Guy Walks Into a Bar...: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
'history Wars' And Reconciliation In Japan And Korea: The Roles Of Historians, Artists And Activists: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Next: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Heidegger Beyond Deconstruction: On Nature: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
The New New Thing: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
American Wilderness: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Liar's Poker: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Soccer Rules and Positions In A Day For Dummies: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Coach: Lessons On The Game Of Life: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Flash Boys: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Stout: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Shame: The Exposed Self: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Home Game: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
The Fifth Risk: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
How a Tokyo Earthquake Could Devastate Wall Street: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
The Money Culture: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Social Cognition and the Acquisition of Self: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Beyond the Dyad: Genesis of Behavior Series (Genesis of Behavior): by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
The Socialization of Emotions: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Social Influences and Socialization in Infancy: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Outdated Advertising: Sexist, Racist, Creepy, And Just Plain Tasteless Ads From A Pre-pc Era: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
The Beautiful Animal: Sincerity, Charm, And The Fossilised Dialectic: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Blind Side: Evolution Of A Game: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Economics for Social Workers: The Application of Economic Theory to Social Policy and the Human Services: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis
Over The Hedge: by Michael Lewis, T
by Michael Lewis, T
Pacific Rift: by Michael Lewis
by Michael Lewis