by Liz Woods 2020-05-27 16:32:05
Today, human race lives a comfortable life. Technology has changed the way you live your life. You can never imagine living a life without all these comfortable amenities. Since you are relaxed, you never imagine about any disaster. As you can never ... Read more
Today, human race lives a comfortable life. Technology has changed the way you live your life. You can never imagine living a life without all these comfortable amenities. Since you are relaxed, you never imagine about any disaster. As you can never imagine any disaster, you are never prepared for it. Without being prepared for the worst, you can't fight it. Yes, just because everything is good and healthy today, doesn't mean nothing can go wrong the next day. The Human race needs to fear a natural disaster. In the recent past, natural disasters have increased a lot. The world has seen landslides, earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, tsunami, and other disasters that have taken many lives. It is always not the disaster that is painful, it is the aftermath. Post disasters, survivors struggle for life. They don't find clean drinking water, and do not have anything to eat. Saviours go through tough time until any external help arrives. It is observed that in such cases, maximum survivors die due to starvation. And those who are left get involved in looting and killing. This is quite a natural behaviour. Everyone wants to live, and for that they don't hesitate to commit any crime. All these behaviours post disasters can be stopped if you can prepare yourself for the future. It is natural to 'not' expect anything bad. But this doesn't mean that you can't be prepared for the worst. No one has seen what lies ahead. Future is unseen. So, it is necessary that you keep yourself prepared for the worst. This is where 'Survival Pantry' comes into the picture. You might have heard about it often from experts, or even might have read it. However, most of you don't know much about it. There are agencies and organisations working towards educating people about survival pantry, and its importance during emergencies and post disasters. If you are reading this book then it is certain that you are curious to know about survival pantry. In this book, you will read about everything related to survival pantry. This book will educate you about what food you can store, and how can you store water for the future use. It is certain that by the end of this book you will have your own survival pantry with all necessary items. So, are you ready to prepare yourself for the disaster? Less
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  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.13
  • 54
  • Independently published
  • February 15, 2020
  • 9798614241469
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